Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Annoying things on TV

Like a large part of the American population, I probably watch too much television. And being slightly opinionated, there are some things on television that I find highly annoying.

Let's start my list with some annoying commercials. The one that grates on me the most of late is the T-Mobile ad where the wife is ragging on her husband for butt dialing. Apparently he needs a phone that has a cover over the keypad. I've never had a butt dialing problem. I never keep my cell phone in my back pocket. Sitting on it would be too damn uncomfortable. Thanks T-Mobile for inventing a problem and presenting it to us in the most annoying manner.

Another recent ad that has got me on edge is the home pregnancy test kit which claims that 1 in 4 women misread their test results incorrectly. There's nothing like telling 25% of your target audience that they're idiots, especially women who are either trying to get pregnant or those who are.

Bob, the smiling male enhancement guy. Enough said.

Now there are some personalities on television which make me want to turn the channel too. Paris Hilton and any other celebrity who's famous for being famous is at the top of that list.

Actor David Caruso of CSI-Miami and NYPD Blue sets me on edge anytime he comes on the screen. His character is the same no matter the show and seems so contrived.

Doctor Phil is also on my list of annoyances. Mental health is not a spectator sport and that's exactly what the good doctor has done. His first national exposure came when he consulted with Oprah Winfrey's defense team when she got sued for making disparaging remarks about the beef industry. When she won the lawsuit, she thanked Phil on the air and then gave him a national platform. Thank you Oprah...not!

My final couple of television annoyances are technical. I'm sick and tired of trying to watch a program with logos covering the screen and even part of the action. The other comes when I'm watching something and all of a sudden the volume is at screaming level when the commercials come on.

Not everything on TV annoys me. I'll post some of my positive comments next.

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